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Affinity-Wide Group

The Books Project is an Affinity-Wide Project concerned with the literature and libraries of Issaquah School District. We are currently working on three initiatives: Reading Challenges, Student Readers, and Community Collaborations!

Reading Challenges

Through collaboration with our school librarians, our members have created Reading Challenges for the three age ranges (elementary, middle, and high school) comprised of books featuring diverse individuals and equity topics, to encourage students to read equitably!


Affinity-Wide Group

The Affinity-Wide Curriculum Project aims to make the Issaquah School District’s curriculum more inclusive and equitable--working to make sure students of all identities and experiences see themselves in what they are learning.


ISD’s current curriculum is severely lacking in content taught to students of all ages concerning the identities our affinity groups represent. Without proper education on such extremely important areas, students in our district are often unable to learn about their own identities, and are more likely to spread harm to other classmates.


Affinity-Wide Group

The Affinity-Wide Mentorship Project group focuses on pairing peer mentors with mentees within the Issaquah School District in order to support marginalized students. We are currently working on implementing a mentorship program within each high school!


The Issaquah School District employs mostly white, cisgender, straight staff members, which makes it difficult for many students to find a role model that reflects their experiences and identities. While we cannot immediately change the staff demographics in our district, we can help peers with similar marginalized identities lean on each other for support. Mentorship can be a valuable resource for underserved and underrepresented youth to be supported in strengthening their sense of personal identity, forming community, fostering school and career success, and making sure health and safety needs are met.

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